Donations made to the Friends of the Valley Center Library, which is a 501(c)(3) organization, are tax-deductible.  Your cancelled check is your receipt.  For cash donations or donated items, you may request a written receipt from the Librarian when the donation is dropped off.

Patrons may wish to designate monetary donations for a particular purpose, such as, books purchased in honor of an individual, the Library building fund, etc. Please be sure to designate any special purpose for a donation other than the general fund.  Families may wish to establish a memorial in a loved one’s name.  The funeral home can assist in making those arrangements or you may contact the Library directly.

Donations of books, magazines, DVDs, etc., are also welcomed and appreciated.  Items should be clean and free of debris or contaminants such as rodent droppings, insect infestations, mildew, blood, other bio-hazards, etc.  Please do not bring contaminated items to the Library.  The extensive collection here at the Library contains rare and/or irreplaceable items which could be damaged or ruined from exposure to contaminated items.   Textbooks, encyclopedias, Readers Digest Condensed books, VHS tapes, or items that are damaged beyond repair, should be disposed of prior to bringing donated items to the Library.

At library management’s discretion, a donated item may be added to the collection for other patrons to check out and enjoy, or may be placed in a future book sale, proceeds to benefit the Friends of the Library.

Patrons may also wish to donate craft or other supplies for programs on an as needed basis.

For questions regarding donations, please contact Library management.  Thank you for considering donating to the Valley Center Public Library!