Why can’t I browse for my own library materials at this time?
Access to materials on our shelves is closed to the public until further notice. The Institute of Museum and Library Services has sponsored Research by Battelle Library regarding the lifespan of COVID-19 on library materials. At this time:
- All materials returned to the library are held in quarantine before they are placed back into circulation. Staff handles returned materials with gloves, cleaning each item with disinfecting wipes, then retaining materials in a quarantine area for 7 days before returning them to their shelves.
- We’re offering curbside pickup for materials. If you have a list of items you’d like to borrow, please utilize our card catalog to place reserves or email your request to: valleycenterlibrary@yahoo.com. We are happy to take telephone orders for 3 items or less. Please allow us 24 hours to fill your requests.
- Staff can also help recommend and find materials that fit your interests. Please contact us at 755-7350 to discuss!