Red reading log – Children/Youth
Orange reading log – Adults/Teens
Challenges end November 30, logs must be turned in at the Library by closing that day to be eligible to pick a prize. Print copies available at the Library.
Red reading log – Children/Youth
Orange reading log – Adults/Teens
Challenges end November 30, logs must be turned in at the Library by closing that day to be eligible to pick a prize. Print copies available at the Library.
It’s Back!!! Time for the Fall Festival’s Fastest Hook in the Valley Crochet Contest, sponsored by The Valley Center Public Library and Stitch & Chat group. Who can crochet the most rows and stitches in 30 minutes in this intense, exciting contest?
Contest at 2 pm on Fall Festival Saturday, September 21, at the VC Library/ Community Center.
Register for the competition by Tues. 9/17 by calling the Library at 755-7350 x 1. Prizes for the top finishers.
Closed for Fall Festival but be sure to stop by at 2 PM for our Fastest Hook in the Valley contest!